It summons the flavors of fall with a dash of spice and handful of magic. No spell needed—this witches brew recipe is easy to conjure! Simply combine apple cider, ginger beer, dark rum and and a tea-based simple syrup made with Ginger Fire Chai into your cauldron and enjoy some scoops of spooks.
Ginger Fire Chai Tea Simple Syrup Ingredients:
1 cup water
4 Stash Ginger Fire Chai tea bags
1 cup granulated sugar
1/8 Tablespoon almond extract
Witches Brew Ingredients:
Serves: 6 ghouls
4 cups unfiltered apple cider
1/2 cup aged dark rum
1/4 cup ginger beer
3 Tablespoons Ginger Fire Chai Tea Simple Syrup
Ginger Chai Tea Simple Syrup Directions:
Serves: 6 ghouls
Steep the 4 Stash Ginger Fire Chai tea bags for 3-5 minutes. Remove the tea bags and add 1 cup of sugar, stirring to dissolve. If necessary, turn heat back on to help melt the sugar.
Allow to cool completely before using.
Witches Brew Directions:
In a large serving bowl, measure out and mix together the apple cider, ginger beer, simple syrup, and rum until syrup has dissolved. Serve over ice and enjoy!